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(Polski) Sekcja Antropologii Społecznej

STRONA GŁÓWNA» Sections » (Polski) Sekcja Antropologii Społecznej

SAS PTS Blog: http://antropologiasekcja.blogspot.com


Social Anthropology Section (SAS PTS) brings together researchers from sociological and ethnological milieu. It has been founded in 1990 following the initiative of Marian Kempny (who has become its first chair) and Zdzisław Mach. From the inception, in its activities the Section relies both on the formal members as well as on a wide informal network of sympathizers.  Apart from Marian Kempny, the Section had the following chairs: Ewa Nowicka-Rusek (1995-1998), Grażyna Woroniecka (2006-2011) and Dorota Rancew-Sikora (from 2011). Several Section members were particularly active and contributed their talents and energies to make the Section strive: Aldona Jawłowska, Elżbieta Tarkowska, Sławomir Łodziński, Paweł Załęcki, Janusz Mucha, Barbara Fatyga and Grażyna Kubica. Apart from academic activities, the Secretary of the Section Paweł Załęcki (zalecki@post.pl) has taken on responsibilities of managing communication with the Section members and sympathizers. Beside him and Dorota Rancew-Sikora, the Board of the Section in 2018-2021 includes Ewa Michna, Magdalena Łukasiuk and Anna Horolets.

Starting from 1991, annual symposia have become a caringly nurtured tradition of the Section. Symposia usually take place in September and are followed by the publications of books or journals’ themed issues, whenever possible. The symposia’s formula particularly welcomes researchers at the early stages of their academic career by reducing fees and other costs of participation as much as it can. Horizontal relations among Section’s members are promoted, which is reflected – among other things – in the informal way of addressing each other, in contrast to a more hierarchical norm accepted Polish academy. Starting from 2016 the Social Anthropology Section has launched Polish Sociological Association Award for Best Research in Social Anthropology.

The full list of the Section’s symposia, the ensuing publications as well as the award winners can be found on the Polish version of the Section’s site <link>.