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Section of Environmental Sociology

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The Environmental Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association is a platform integrating researchers involved in research on the environment problems from the perspective of sociology and other social sciences. Environmental sociology is a sub-discipline of sociology of considerable tradition and growing importance, as demonstrated by active sections of this profile within the International Sociological Society (ISA), the European Sociological Society (ESA) and the American Sociological Society (ASA). We recommend our recent publication on history and future research directions of Polish environmental sociology, published in Polish Sociological Review


The PTS Environmental Sociology Section aims to:

  1. create opportunities for social researchers interested in studying of the environment to present their research (research ideas, research results) to colleagues who will critically, friendly and competently engage in discussion on the research efforts undertaken;
  2. creating a platform for the exchange of information on planned, undertaken and ongoing research, enabling to identify knowledge gaps, carrying out complementary research and helping to avoid research duplication;
  3. enabling the initiation of joint research ventures;
  4. to create a forum for the exchange of information on research conducted by sociologists in other countries, planned issues of special journals, planned research projects, grant competitions, job vacancies for environmental sociologists, etc.
  5. promoting environmental sociology by organizing sessions and symposiums during sociological conferences in the country and abroad.

Our current activities:

  1. organising regular online seminars;
  2. organising thematic workshops co-funded by the Section;
  3. organising sessions and symposia during PTS conferences;
  4. organising interim conferences between PTS conferences;
  5. operating the Section’s website and social media;
  6. publishing the Section Information Bulletin once a year (reviews, conference reports, information on research grants, publications, PhDs, etc.);
  7. exchanging information between Section Members via our mailing list;
  8. establishing and maintaining scientific contacts with similar foreign scientific societies;
  9. initiating joint publications by Section members.

Section Board (2022-25):

Chairman: Joanna Tusznio, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Cracow

Vice-chairman: Krzysztof Niedzialkowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Secretary: Renata Putkowska-Smoter, Institute of Sociological Sciences and Pedagogy, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Section’s website: https://socjologiasrodowiska.wordpress.com/

Profile of the section on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/socjologiasrodowiska

We invite your collaboration!