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Section of Rural Sociology and Agriculture

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The Section on Rural and Agriculture Sociology is one of the oldest sections of the Polish Sociological Association, with currently 85 members. There are two purposes of the section: first, to organize scientific conferences on rural sociology, and second, publishing. The Section is involved in publishing Roczniki Socjologii Wsi, [Rural Sociology Annuals] one of the oldest sociological reviews in Poland and worldwide, founded in the  30ies by Władysław Grabski. The Section Chair is ex officio member of the editorial board.

The Section organizes scientific conferences, sometimes in cooperation with external partners. The last one took place on February 26th, 2010. Its output was published in a book Nowe inspiracje socjologii wsi, [New Inspirations of Rural Sociology] edited by Hanna Podedworna, [Warszawa: Scholar  2011].

During XIV Congress of Polish Sociology in Cracow the Section organized thematic group nr 20 “Rural Areas in Poland: Diversity and Processes of Diversification”. Papers given during this session will be published in a book of the same title, edited by Hanna Podedworna and Andrzej Pilichowski  at the end of 2011.

The next conference will be organized by Section together with the Chair of Sociology of Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2012.

Section’s Executive Board 2010-2013:

Hanna Podedworna (Faculty of Humanities, Warsaw University of Life Sciences) – President,

Piotr Nowak (Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow)– Vice-President,

Paweł Starosta (Institute of Sociology, University of Łódź) – Member of the Board