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Zaproszenie na wykład Profesora Piotra Sztompki “Sociological Theory for the XXI Century”

Zaproszenie na wykład Profesora Piotra Sztompki “Sociological Theory for the XXI Century”
Published 1 October 2023 in: News

Szanowni Państwo, 

serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład prof. dr. hab. Piotra Sztompki zatytułowany “Sociological Theory for the XXI Century”, który odbędzie się w czwartek, 5 października br. o godzinie 17:00 w formule hybrydowej. 

Wszystkich zainteresowanych gorąco zachęcamy do udziału on-line na platformie Zoom (link do spotkania: https://bit.ly/46s77qz) lub stacjonarnie w Sali im. Bobrzyńskiego Collegium Maius Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (ul. Jagiellońska 15, Kraków).

Spotkanie z Profesorem Piotrem Sztompką odbędzie się w ramach warsztatów Sociological Theory in the 21st Century. Achievements and Challenges organizowanych przez European Sociological Association, Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Analiz Społeczno-Prawnych UJ i Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne.  

Kilka słów o wykładzie od Profesora Piotra Sztompki: 

The author surveys the recent trends in the area of sociological theory. He claims that there is a radical shift in the focus of theories after the year 2000, with once fashionable schools falling into oblivion (e.g. postmodernism, constructivism, fluid modernity). But the claim that there is the “death of theory” and the rule of “new empiricism” is misguided. In the first decades of this century there are new, emerging theoretical schools which gain considerable attention. They propose new epistemologies, e.g. explanation by mechanism rather than covering laws, relationism in place of holism as well as methodological individualism. There is also a marked shift of substantive focus toward the level of microsociology, with the meticulous analysis of interactions and interpersonal relationships. The author illustrates these tendencies with the brief account of six theories by current prominent authors, three American and three European: J. Alexander, R. Collins, J. Turner, A. Honneth, U. Beck and P. Hedstrom. 

Professor Piotr Sztompka  

Jagiellonian University, Honorary Professor (Emeritus)  

Polish Academy of Science, Member Ordinarius  

Piotr Sztompka is the honorary professor emeritus of theoretical sociology at the Jagiellonian University at Krakow, Poland. He has taught at numerous Universities in the US, Europe, Latin America and Australia. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Academia Europaea (London), and American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge, Mass.). In the years 2002-2006 he served as an  elected  President of the International Sociological Association (ISA). 

Among his books published in English, there are: Society in Action (1991), The Sociology of Social Change (1993), Trust: a Sociological Theory (1999), Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity (co-authored.) (2004).  His books and articles came out in fourteen languages. In Polish his most recent book is Trustworthiness; the Secret of Good Relations (2023). 

This year in the ranking of Stanford University and Elsevier Publishers he was included in top 2% of the most influential scholars in the world, as measured by the number of citations and impact factor (H-index). 

Informacje o spotkaniu dostępne są także na stronie ESA: European Sociological Association (europeansociology.org)