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Poznan Department

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The Poznań Branch of The Polish Sociological Association comes from the tradition of sociological society established by Florian Znaniecki in 1920s. The Poznań Branch flourished, becoming an organizational platform of intensive scientific life in 1980s. The branch organized meetings and discussions of gathered students and intellectuals critical about the real socialism regime, that ruled Poland those days. This tradition has expanded and today about 40 members of the branch are active in several fields. Conferences and workshops are organized and mostly focused on the problems of Central and Eastern Europe, urban sociology and migration. The branch published several books:  


Declining cities/ developing cities: Polish and German perspectives, Nowak, Marek; Nowosielski, Michal (Ed.), Poznan: Instytut Zachodni, 2008: http://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/View/?resid=5666&lang=en);

Nowak, Marek / Nowosielski, Michal (eds.), (Post)transformational Migration. Inequalities, Welfare State, and Horizontal Mobility. Series: DIA-LOGOS, P. Lang Publisher;

Isański, Jakub, Luczys, Piotr, Selling One’s Favourite Piano to Emigrate: Mobility Patterns in Central Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Cambridge and Scholars Publishers, Cambridge 2011.


Please visit our page: http://www.psa.amu.edu.pl/



Marek Nowak

Institue of Sociology

Adam Mickiewicz University

Szamarzewskiego str. 89 building c,

Room 126

Poznań, Poland


Current Board of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Sociological Association:
Marek Nowak (Chairman): Marek.Nowak@amu.edu.pl
Piotr Matczak (Vice-chairman): 
Piotr Luczys (Secretary): 
Maciej Frąckowiak (Member of the Board): 


 History of Poznan Department of PSA

The history of Polish sociology is closely tied with Poznań. Outstanding scholars resided here: Florian Znaniecki, Janusz Ziółkowski, Stanisław Kozyr-Kowalski, Tadeusz Szczurkiewicz, Józef Chałasiński, Andrzej Malewski, Zbigniew Tyszka, Zygmunt Dulczewski, Władysław Markiewicz, Andrzej Kwilecki. In the period between the First and the Second World Wars, institutional basis was established for sociology development, in terms of teaching and research. Two main periodicals were founded: „Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” (established in 1925, earlier – from 1921 under the name of „Ruch Prawniczy i Ekonomiczny”) and „Przegląd Socjologiczny” (established in 1930). Also the first congress of sociology took place in Poznań in 1930. In 1921 Instytut Sociologiczny (Sociological Institute) was created, renamed in 1927 to Polski Instytut Socjologiczny (Polish Sociological Institute). It was the initiative leading to the establishment of “Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne” (Polish Sociological Association) in 1931. The Association was active until the Second World War, and its tradition was revitalised and the Association was re-established in 1957. In 1920s the research stream based on diary method has been initiated connected with urban studies. These studies continued after the Second World War, together with studies on the Western and Northern lands incorporated into Polish territory after the Second World War, studies on education, family, labour and industrialization. The studies were carried through regional chamber of the Polish Sociological Association, established in Poznań in 1959 (the second in Poland, after Warsaw). However, in the period 1953-67 sociology was not taught in Poznań. It was difficult time for academic sociology in Poland. Nevertheless, in 1965 the Sociology Unit was established based on the Sociography Section working at the Institute for Western Affaires. The Poznań Branch of the Polish Sociological Association had strong ties with the Institute for Western Affaires those days. It resulted with the conference summarising studies on the Western and Northern lands incorporated into Polish territory after the Second World War (in 1968) and the 4th National Sociological Congress (in 1969). Professors Andrzej Kwilecki and Janusz Ziółkowski wrote in 1981: “the founder and the first chairman of Poznań Bench of the Polish Sociological Association was Tadeusz Szczurkiewicz, and later the chairmen were: Władysław Markiewicz, Zygmunt Dulczewski, Andrzej Kwilecki, Frnaciszek Krzykała, Stefan Budny i Marek Ziółkowski. The Sociological Commission of Poznań Society of Friends of Science and Art cooperates with the Polish Sociological Association in organizing lectures.” Many distinguished guests from Poland and other countries participated and gave speeches. For example, Alain Touraine, to mention just one. Today meetings are organized in cooperation with Sociological Institute Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Polish Philosophical Association, Revitalisation Forum and other organisations. The tradition of organising lectures and discussions is alive.



Instytut Socjologii UAM
ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c pok. 126
60-568 Poznań