Miło nam poinformować, że ukazała się książka pod redakcją:
Kaja Gadowska and Anna Giza (eds.). 2024. Rethinking the Social: Sociology of Crisis Experience in Central and Eastern Europe. Studies in Critical Social Sciences. Studies in Critical Social Sciencesol.: 297. Leiden – Bostn: Brill, pp. 266.
Title: Rethinking the Social: Sociology of Crisis Experience in Central and Eastern Europe
Series: Studies in Critical Social Sciences
Volume: 297
Editors: Kaja Gadowska and Anna Giza
Brill, Leiden – Boston
ISBN: 978-90-04-70853-2
E-ISBN: 978-90-04-70854-9
issn 1573- 4234isbn 978- 90- 04- 70853- 2 (hardback)isbn 978- 90- 04- 70854- 9 (e- book)doi 10.1163/ 9789004708549
The book casts a spotlight on Central and Eastern European societies,making their experiences visible and meaningful within the postcolonialdiscourse. The modernization theory overlooks important aspectsof postsocialist transformation. Consequently, sociological knowledgehas drifted apart from the social production of knowledge, andsociology has become alarmingly irrelevant to the people it studies.Therefore, the book departs from preconceived notions of “normal”and “modern” to foreground the importance of actual social experience.After all, Central and Eastern Europe is a valuable yet underestimatedsocial laboratory. Thus, the contributors experiment with newtheoretical and methodological approaches to bridge the gap betweensocial research and real people.