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Seminarium naukowe | prof. Patrice McMahon | People Power: Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe

Szanowni Państwo,

Wraz z Uniwersytetem Dolnośląskim DSW serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wykładzie prof. Patrice McMahon (University of Nebraska-Lincoln): “People Power: Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe”.

Wykład organizowany jest w ramach cyklu naukowych seminariów „Poza kulturową oczywistością”** i odbędzie się 27 kwietnia 2023 w godzinach 18:00-20:00 we Wrocławiu (Klub Proza, Przejście Garncarskie 2).

Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

The University of Lower Silesia DSW and the Wroclaw Branch of the Polish Sociological Association invite you to attend the lecture by prof. Patrice McMahon (University of Nebraska-Lincoln): “People Power: Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe”.

The lecture is organized as part of the series of scientific seminars “Poza kulturową oczywistością” and will be held on April 27, 2023 from 18:00-20:00 in Wroclaw (Klub Proza, Przejście Garncarskie 2).

The seminar will be held in English.

People Power: Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe

People Power elevates the voices of civic activists from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and analyzes a wealth of different information to demonstrate that despite many challenges that have frustrated independent voices and social groups, activism in CEE is vibrant, diverse, and consequential.  The book gives special attention to the recent “hard times” – the shrinking of public space for civil society voices, democratic backsliding, economic inequality, polarization, and Russia’s war in Ukraine – facing citizens of these countries. My presentation will focus on the book’s three core arguments and our major take home points, highlighting two themes addressed in the book –digital activism and intergenerational dynamics..

Patrice McMahon is a Fulbright Scholar based at The Adam Mickiewicz University. McMahon is also a Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the US. She is also the Director of the University Honors Program. Her research focuses on humanitarian affairs, peacebuilding, civil society activism, and U.S. foreign policy. She is the author of The NGO Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond (Cornell University Press, 2017) and is the co-author of American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: U.S. Foreign Policy, Human Rights and World Order (Routledge: 2017). Her research has appeared in various publications, including Foreign Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Human Rights Quarterly, East European Politics and Societies, Democratization, and Ethnopolitics and has been supported by the US government and private foundations, including the German Marshall Fund. Her most recent publication is co-authoring a special section of East European Politics and Societies on civil society activism in Central and Eastern Europe in which she writes about activism in Poland. She also has written articles for The Conversation on Poland: Poland’s Hospitality is helping Ukrainians thrive; Poland’s warm welcome to about 2 million Ukrainian refugees draws global praise; What grassroots humanitarians should know. McMahon is currently co-editing a book, People Power: Activists in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe and working on a project on grassroots humanitarianism in Poland.

** Celem seminariów “Poza kulturową oczywistością” jest podjęcie dyskusji nad zmianami zachodzącymi w edukacji, kulturze, polityce oraz mediach. Pragniemy zadać pytania o kwestie sporne, wątpliwe lub kontrowersyjne, których obecność w dyskursie publicznym w (nie)oczywisty sposób zmienia nasze realia.
Inspiracją dla cyklu seminariów naukowych „Poza kulturową oczywistością” w Dolnośląskiej Szkole Wyższej jest dorobek naukowy Profesora Roberta Kwaśnicy.

Komitet naukowy seminarium: Ewa Kurantowicz, Joanna Minta, Karolina Reinhard, Maria Reut, Justyna Kajta, Paweł Rudnicki, Beata Sierocka, Helena Wyligała.

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