- Polish Sociological Association | 00-330 Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 72; tel. 22 826 77 37 - https://pts.org.pl/en -

Second edition of the Summer School in Sociologies of Education (SUSEES )

Second edition of the Summer School in Sociologies of Education (SUSEES ) will take place at the University of Napoli from 4 to 7 July 2016.

The Summer School is organized by the EERA Network 28, CNR-IRPPS, University of Strasbourg, ENS Lyon, and the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’. Interested emerging researchers are requested to send their CV and a letter of motivation to socedu28@gmail.com [1] by 20th March 2016. Selected 20 participants will be involved in an innovative and ground breaking 4-days laboratory where leading scholars from the field will discuss how they use theories and methods in their research and writing. The summer school’s leading scholars of this year will be (see the attached brochure): Stephen J. Ball, Terri Seddon, Pat Thomson, Sotiria Grek, Romuald Normand.


For more information see: a) SUSEES website (http://www.irpps.cnr.it/socedu/?page_id=777 [2]); b) the teaser: https://vimeo.com/153233287 [3].
