- Polish Sociological Association | 00-330 Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 72; tel. 22 826 77 37 - https://pts.org.pl/en -

PTS Law Act

 §3 The Polish Sociological Association, PSA (Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne) is a registered association with legal personality operating pursuant to the provisions of the Association Law Act and the Public Interest Activity and Volunteer Service Act.

§4 The activities of the Polish Sociological Association are based on voluntary work of all of its members.

§11 The Polish Sociological Association shall operate a business activity through its Research Department (Zakład Badań Naukowych) pursuant to general provisions of other laws and regulations. (…) Profits generated through the business activity shall be used to achieve the aims stipulated herein and may not be distributed among the members of the Polish Sociological Association.
